Schedule AnAppointment
Appointments: 704-295-3000Billing Inquiries: 704-295-3440Medical Records: HealthMark Group fulfills all patient requests for CEENTA medical records at no charge to the patient. A complimentary copy of your record will be made available through HealthMark Group’s website, First time users are required to register for an account before accessing the website. To follow up on the status of your medical record request, you may contact HealthMark Group directly at 800-659-4035 or [email protected].myCEENTAchart support: 704-295-3526Media Inquiries: 704-295-3115Test Results: Please allow 7-10 days to receive your results.
Additional requests for prescriptions and other questions must go through our patient portal.
Starting Nov. 4, 2019, patients will be required to provide their insurance information at the time of scheduling an appointment, or we will not be able to schedule you with one of our doctors.
Disclaimer:Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. is required by law to protect the privacy of your health information. We are required to give you notice on how we may use this information about our patients and when we can disclose that information to others. For more information, please review our privacy policy.
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