A child with protruding ears is often subjected to unkind remarks that can be a source of significant distress. This lack of peer acceptance makes a child feel self-conscious or rejected. Even as an adult, the same childhood sensitivities may persist. Fortunately, an otoplasty can help fix this condition.

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What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is the process for reconstructing damaged, deformed, or missing outer ears due to a congenital condition or an accident.

The size, shape and natural position of the ear is an inherited characteristic. As the ears form, they develop several natural folds. If development is incomplete, a deformed or protruding ear will result.

Fortunately, we can reposition prominent or protruding ears closer to the head with this procedure.

How is otoplasty performed?

Otoplasty procedure

First, anesthesia will be administered. This can be either local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient and their needs. We use general anesthesia for small children while adults generally prefer local anesthesia with intravenous sedation.

During the procedure, your doctor will make incisions either on the back or your ears or on the inner creases, depending on the technique your surgeon chooses and what specific treatment your ears need. Your doctor will then remove excess cartilage and skin if necessary and will secure the cartilage into the proper position with stitches. More stitches will be used to close the incisions.

The operating time is approximately two hours. We can assure you that the operation has no effect on hearing.

After the procedure, your ears will be bandaged. Pain medication will be prescribed if necessary and should only be taken per your doctor’s instructions. Your doctor will remove the bandages after a few days, although you may have to wear a protective headband at night when you sleep.

If your stitches do not dissolve on their own, your doctor will have to remove them.

How long is an otoplasty procedure?

The operating time is approximately two hours. We can assure you that the operation has no effect on hearing.

What happens following an otoplasty?

After the procedure, your ears will be bandaged. Pain medication will be prescribed if necessary and should only be taken per your doctor’s instructions. Your doctor will remove the bandages after a few days, although you may have to wear a protective headband at night when you sleep.If your stitches do not dissolve on their own, your doctor will have to remove them.

Who is a candidate for otoplasty?

Most individuals undergo this surgery during the early school years, ages 5-7, but the procedure can be performed at any age, even adolescence or adulthood. The visual improvement with this type of plastic surgery is usually dramatic.

Otoplasty procedure shows before/after results

Is otoplasty a permanent procedure?

The results for otoplasty are intended to last a lifetime. That said, your ears may naturally change along with the rest of your face as you age. This is particularly true for patients who are receiving this procedure in their formative years. Please consult with you or your child’s surgeon to discuss outcome expectations for the future.

Ear surgery in Charlotte, NC

CEENTA has facial plastic surgeons skilled in otoplasty in multiple offices.

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