What is laser skin resurfacing?

Although lasers have been utilized in medicine for many years, new technology has allowed us to predictably and precisely smooth and rejuvenate aged and sun-damaged skin. Laser treatment allows for the removal of unwanted facial and body hair, softening/removal of fine lines and wrinkles, the elimination of superficial sun or age spots, the camouflaging of scars (whether secondary to injury, acne, chicken pox, etc.), or the evening of one’s skin complexion.

To rejuvenate your skin, CEENTA uses the Sciton Joule X Platform, which provides a variety of laser and light services based on your skin care goals:

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Laser skin resurfacing at CEENTA, including acne treatment, hair removal, fine line treatment, and skin rejuvenation

Am I a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing?

People who have fine lines or wrinkles or shallow acne scares are the best candidates for laser skin resurfacing. People with active acne, deep wrinkles, or excessive skin are generally not good candidates. People with a lighter complexion are better candidates than those with darker skin tones.

The laser skin treatment procedure

Depending on the depth and level of treatment, your physician will provide you with a topical anesthetic, compound anesthetic such as lidocaine, or a local anesthetic. Please arrive approximately one hour prior to your scheduled treatment. Medications are given before the operation to help prevent infection, promote healing, and reduce post-operative swelling. The procedure will require from ½ hour to 2 hours depending upon the total surface area of your face being treated. During the procedure, your facial skin is numb, but on a rare occasion you may feel a warm or stinging sensation as the laser is systematically moved around the face.

Laser skin resurfacing results and recovery time


Your skin may stay red or pink for up to several months, and results tend to be gradual and progressive. However, you will notice an immediate difference in your skin quality, and the effects can last for years. Multiple treatments will be needed for fine line, wrinkle, and skin discoloration treatments.

Recovery time

Following laser therapy, the treated areas will be red, with a tendency to weep and form a thin crust. These areas will be covered with a clear, semi-permeable occlusive dressing (Second Skin) and Aquaphore, a soothing gel. Cold compresses will also be utilized as needed. These measures will help to facilitate healing, reduce swelling, and decrease pain (some burning and stinging is expected). Crusting of the skin will be noted to a mild to moderate degree. Do not pick any crusts but gently pat these areas with your fingertips while washing. The treated areas should be rinsed with lukewarm water 4-5 times per day, cleansed with a mild soap (Cetaphil), then covered with the Second Skin for the first 4 days, followed by Aquaphor, until a new layer of skin has formed. No makeup should be applied until the new layer of skin has completely formed in 10-14 days.

Following new skin formation, water-based makeup can be used to camouflage the treated areas. We recommend a green-colored base followed by additional makeup as desired. A sunscreen (at least SPF15) is also recommended for a minimum of three months. Redness will fade gradually over a period of 2-4 months, depending on your skin type and the depth of the laser treatment. On rare occasions, fading may not be complete for 6 months or longer. No activities where you exert yourself should be participated in until the new layer of epidermis (skin) has formed. Even after initial healing, exercise will cause a temporary flushing (or increase redness) in the treated area. Depending upon the areas treated, most people can return to work once a complete layer of new skin is formed and makeup can be applied for camouflage (10-14 days).

Limitations and risks of laser skin resurfacing


Sciton's various modes along with the DEKA DOT CO2 Laser are more suitable for patients with lighter skin tones and darker hair. Patients with darker skin complexions might be more prone to additional light energy absorption, which could exacerbate side effects such as edema, itchiness, and sensitivity.


Light based treatment can result in a slightly increased pigmentation of the skin. This occurs most often in darkly pigmented skin, especially following exposure of the treated areas to the sun. Avoidance of sun exposure for 3-6 months as well as the use of bleaching creams may be necessary to help correct this problem. There is a small risk of scarring following treatments such as deep resurfacing. Adherence to the post-operative instructions will significantly decrease the risk. The treatment for residual scarring is dependent upon its location and extent but may include massage, cortisone injections, and/or excision.

Laser and light skin treatment, while a remarkable technique for the acne, aging, unwanted hair, and sun-damaged skin, is not a panacea. Our goal is to create an overall improvement in the appearance of your skin while avoiding potential complications. We will do our utmost to make this a pleasant experience that will provide pleasing, long-term results.

Laser and light skin therapy in Charlotte, NC

CEENTA has doctors in Fort Mill and Uptown available for Sciton laser and light skin consultations along with Huntersville for CO2 laser skin resurfacing services. They are trained in the most up-to-date care techniques and technology and will come up with a treatment plan personalized for your needs. 

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