BOTOX and Xeomin botulinum toxin treatments in Charlotte, NC

BOTOX and Xeomin are botulinum toxin treatments for wrinkles and fine lines by blocking the nerve impulses tat control facial muscles. These treatments can last up to months at a time, leaving you with smooth skin across many seasons.

For BOTOX in Charlotte, schedule your consultation today.

Schedule an Injectable Consultation with a Facial Plastic Specialist

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX in Charlotte with Dysport, and Xeomin botulinum toxin treatments

BOTOX is a prescription medicine made with a protein purified from botulinum toxin. It is injected into facial muscles to cosmetically remove wrinkles by modifying muscle movement.

How does BOTOX work?

By blocking the nerve impulses that control facial muscles and reducing the effects that motions like frowning and squinting have on the surface of the skin, BOTOX gives the face a smooth, youthful look.

Can BOTOX be used for other conditions?

While it is mostly known for wrinkle removal, BOTOX is also ideal for optimizing youthful facial expression. It is also used to treat blepharospasm, strabismus, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and similar conditions.

What is Dysport?

Similar to BOTOX, Dysport is also an injectable made from a protein purified from the botulinum toxin.

How is Dysport different than BOTOX?

One difference between BOTOX and Dysport is how far the toxin is dispersed in the injection site. Dysport can spread further, which means the effects can take place over a larger surface area. In some patients, BOTOX or Dysport is preferred which can reflect personal preference or experience.

When do the injection results start to happen?

Injection sessions normally take about 10-20 minutes and start taking effect within three days. The final result is about fourteen days later. By that time, wrinkles are softened and, in some cases, eliminated, giving your face a more youthful look.

Are injections painful?

Injections are not painful and have no addictive properties. While there are no strict guidelines for how much is required at each session, your physician will recommend a dose based on your goals.

Do you have to receive BOTOX or Dysport from the same physician?

At CEENTA, these injectables are administered by an experienced physician. You will not need to see the same doctor every time you get the treatment to maintain your fresh appearance.

How long do the toxin treatments last?

Visible results have been shown to last up to four months. As the effects are wearing off, you can get another treatment.

Do BOTOX or Dysport have any side effects?

The most common side effects are bruising, redness, swelling, and slight asymmetries (one side of the face looking a little different from the other). The worst risks are eyebrow or eyelid droop, but because of the temporary nature, the side effects are also temporary.

You and your provider can discuss undesired results and change your treatment pattern to ensure better results for you in the future.

Do you need a consultation before receiving BOTOX or Dysport?

While some doctors require a consultation before any injection appointments, some doctors will do a consultation and injections on the same day. Speak to your doctor about your medical history to determine if cosmetic injections are right for you.

BOTOX in Charlotte area with CEENTA

While they are safe and natural, cosmetic injections are a medical procedure, and it is strongly advised that you get them from a healthcare provider. CEENTA has eye and ENT doctors who specialize in BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin toxin treatments in North and South Carolina.

Schedule an Injectable Consultation with a Facial Plastic Specialist


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