What is balloon sinuplasty?

A balloon sinuplasty patient

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive option for patients with chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis is often successfully managed in the primary care setting using antibiotics, topical or oral steroids, and saline nasal irrigation. Surgery is an option when medical management fails.

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Chronic sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages - or sinuses - become inflamed and swollen for at least eight weeks. This causes problems with drainage and causes mucus to build up. This can cause difficulty breathing, throbbing facial pain, headaches, toothaches, and a swollen feeling around the eyes and face.


This procedure is a midway point between using medicines such as decongestants and nasal steroids to treat infections and full sinus surgery, which involves the removal of tissue and bone and the use of general anesthesia. Recovery time after surgery is several days to a week.

Not every patient is a candidate. Patients with blockages such as a deviated septum or sinus polyps do not qualify for balloon sinuplasty. They must also be able to handle being operated on while under local anesthesia.

The procedure

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive endoscopic treatment, which is often used in combination with surgery. A small, flexible balloon catheter is inserted through the nose into the blocked sinus cavity. The balloon is then inflated to stretch, restructure, and open the sinus passage, allowing it to drain normally. A local anesthesia is used.

There is minimal damage and no surgery involved with the procedure. It is an in-office procedure with minimal recovery time. Most patients are back to work in a day or two. 

Recovery time is usually minimal. People are usually able to return to normal activities after 24 hours.

risks and complications

The risks are minimal. Because it is a minimally-invasive procedure that does not involve cutting or tissue removal, there is much less risk of damage to the eyes or surrounding facial structures. However, you and your doctor should discuss this and any other concerns before the procedure.

Balloon Sinuplasty treatment in Charlotte, NC

To find out if balloon sinuplasty is right for you, please call 704-295-3000 to schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor. Appointments are available in CEENTA's North and South Carolina locations.

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