Conditions & Treatments

Sleep surgery at CEENTA

Since 1923, Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. (CEENTA) has been the region’s premier ear, nose, and throat care provider for adult and pediatric patients. CEENTA offers care for sleep disorders –including sleep apnea and snoring. Please call 704.295.3000 to schedule an appointment.

Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment

Inspire is a well-tested, FDA-approved device that helps patients with obstructive sleep apnea and is an alternative to CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). The device is implanted into your body and opens your upper airway, allowing for easier breathing while you sleep.

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Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. Approximately 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, though many are not diagnosed with the sleep disorder. Oftentimes the person who suffers from it is not even aware their breathing is stopped or slowed during sleep; rather, they are told about their condition by others who witness it. They may also suffer from symptoms of this condition without knowing that is what they derive from. People with this condition often exhibit “excessive daytime sleepiness,” moodiness, depression and a decrease in alterness. A polysomnogram (or sleep study) allows a sleep doctor or technician to diagnose the condition.

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We don’t need to tell you what snoring is. Chances are good you’ve heard it at some point during your life, or perhaps you snore yourself. After all, studies show that between 30-50 percent of adults snore. We’re all more than familiar what snoring sounds like — but what causes it? To put it simply, snoring occurs when your breathing is obstructed while sleeping, causing the walls of the throat to vibrate and produce the sound we call “snoring.” Snoring can be caused by obstructed nasal airways, bulky throat tissue, poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue, and long soft palates or uvulas.

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