A girl snores while she sleeps

Snoring is often thought of as a condition adults have to deal with, but did you know that children can snore, too? While that may seem cute, childhood snoring could actually cause health problems and should be treated.

What is snoring?

Snoring is a part of a larger spectrum of disorders called sleep-disordered breathing. On the mild end of the spectrum is snoring, and on the other end is obstructive sleep apnea. Up to 10 percent of the pediatric population snores.

Snoring and sleep-disordered breathing are caused by a partial airway obstruction that disrupts normal breathing during sleep.

Fortunately, snoring and sleep-disordered breathing are treatable. Often, a doctor will consider removing tonsils and adenoids. In most cases, this will solve your child’s problem.

Children with snoring problems or who have sleep-disordered breathing often do worse in school than classmates who don’t snore and don’t have sleep disturbance. Attention deficit disorder, inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and bedwetting are also associated with snoring. Additionally, children who snore might have slower growth and physical development than children who don’t.

A physical examination with an ear, nose, and throat doctor is the best way to determine where on the sleep-disordered breathing spectrum your child falls.

CEENTA ENT doctor Christopher Tebbit, MD

“Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids, in addition to addressing any nasal obstruction, can be curative for many children with sleep disordered breathing and can result in dramatic improvements in a child’s cognitive development and general well-being,” CEENTA Otolaryngologist Christopher Tebbit, MD, said.

Help your child sleep easy and have a great day at school. Have a doctor check their snoring today.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. Dr. Tebbit practices in our Belmont office. To make an appointment with him or any of our ENT doctors, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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