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Infants hear and listen from the moment of birth. Because children learn to speak by listening to and imitating the sounds they hear, good hearing is essential for your baby to learn to talk. Evaluations and hearing tests for children can be performed at any age. There are many sophisticated tests that can determine the level of your child’s hearing. If you are concerned about your child’s hearing, contact our Audiology Department at 704-295-3000.
Call 704-295-3000 to Schedule a Pediatric Hearing Test
If any of the following statements apply to your child, you should strongly consider a complete audiologic evaluation regardless of the status of their universal newborn hearing screen results. It is vitally important that baseline information be obtained as early as possible.
Learn more about hearing loss here.
Visual Conditioned Response Audiometry (VRA Test)
VRA is a hearing test for children that is used from a few months of age up to approximately 2 or 3 years old. The child is seated at an angle to a speaker and animated toy. The child is monitored for either a conditioned response or other reactions to a variety of test sounds. The patient’s response levels are then adjusted for their developmental age and the hearing level is acquired.
Conditioned Play Audiometry
Conditioned play audiometry is a method of testing that is used as needed for young children. Motivational toys are used to teach a repeatable response to test the stimulus.
Treating a child's hearing loss
An individualized plan of treatment, based on your child and their hearing loss, will be provided by your child’s ENT doctor or audiologist. As there are many different rehabilitative options, one or more of the following may be discussed.
Children with any degree of hearing loss that may impact their access to speech may be a candidate for pediatric hearing aids. Hearing aids aim to make sounds louder and clearer for your child, ensuring they are not missing important auditory information in their everyday environments.
A cochlear implant is a surgical option which bypasses or replaces the damaged hearing in the inner ear. Children with unilateral or bilateral severe to profound hearing loss may be a candidate for a cochlear implant, pending they meet candidacy criteria.
Bone conduction sound processors may be an option for children with conductive hearing loss or single-sided hearing loss. Surgical and non-surgical options are available.
Hearing assistive technology, or FM systems, can be used independently or in conjunction with other rehabilitative options. Hearing assistive technology strives to reduce the impacts of background noise or distance, either at home or in a school environment.
An ENT doctor who specializes in child hearing problems may also see your child to determine if the problem may be fixed through medical or surgical treatment, such as ear tube surgery.
As your child grows and is learning speech and language, it will be important to use good communication with them. Children use all of their senses to learn language, including both their eyes and ears. The following are tips to promote good communication between you and your child.
There are four primary communication methods for children with hearing loss. Each communication method is tied to a different approach to language:
Listening and Spoken Language: This approach emphasizes the use of the auditory (hearing) system to learn spoken language. It incorporates the support of hearing technology such as hearing aids, assistive listening devices (such as an FM system), or cochlear implants.
Cued Speech/Language: Cued speech is a visual communication approach to provide information for children who may not be able to learn entirely through amplified hearing. Children who use Cued Speech also rely on listening and spoken language.
American Sign Language: American Sign Language is a visual communication language that is taught as a child’s primary language. English is often taught as a second language with this communication option.
Total Communication Method: An emphasis on including various types of visual communication, speech reading, speaking, and the use of amplification.
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention services, or birth-to-three services, are state-funded programs that offer services and resources to children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families. Early Intervention services have an emphasis on working with children and their families to promote development of language and communication skills.
Why is Early Intervention important?
Any degree of hearing loss has the potential to interrupt speech, language, and learning development. Early Intervention providers are experienced and qualified professionals who provide the support and information needed to help families meet the developmental needs of their child.
Early Intervention provides free parental support and coaching and can have a definite and lasting impact on a child’s speech, language, and emotional development.
How do we start?
Your pediatric audiology team here at CEENTA can answer questions about Early Intervention and provide a referral to begin accessing Early Intervention services.
CEENTA has audiologists in locations across North and South Carolina who will provide your children hearing tests using the most up-to-date technology in comfortable environments.