What is rhinoplasty?

Also known as a "nose job," this plastic surgery procedure is designed to reshape and reconstruct it because of congenital issues, respiratory concerns, or traumatic damage. CEENTA offers rhinoplasties in the Charlotte, Concord, and Huntersville, NC, regions.

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Plastic surgery can improve the appearance as well as the function of the nose. The surgeon precisely removes excess bone and cartilage, reshaping or “sculpting” the nose. 

Why do people get a nose procedure?

This operation is performed for many reasons, including: 

  • Reshaping a wide nose
  • Making a more attractive nose 
  • Repairing defects from an injury
  • Correcting internal deformities causing breathing issues, headaches and repeated sinus infections.

Just as people differ, so too is every nose different: a nose may be too long, too wide, or even crooked. Every nasal operation is different as well. The alterations we recommend will be dependent upon your sex, age, skin thickness, and complexion. The goal of surgery is to carefully tailor your nose, creating a natural look that doesn’t have an “operated” appearance.

Before your surgery, we will perform a complete facial analysis, including the examination of photographs. The operation is planned in much the same way an architect plans a house; careful analysis and a thorough discussion with the patient is the key. The desired result of cosmetic nasal surgery is to “create” a nose that is in harmony with the other facial features. Occasionally, it is necessary to recommend additional procedures, such as chin augmentation, to adequately improve your profile.

At what age can nose procedures be performed?

We always prefer to wait until the nose has reached full “mature” growth. In a female, this is approximately age 15 to 16, in a male 17 to 18. However, if a severe deformity secondary to an injury were present, corrections would be performed at an earlier age.

Ethnic rhinoplasty

Ethnic rhinoplasty nose job and nose procedure in Charlotte NC

Every one of us has a different ethnic background. This means we have different skin and facial features that all must be treated differently when receiving a nose job. For example, a traditionally Caucasian-looking nose might not match the contours and facial features of an African-American or Asian patient. Different ethnicities also have different skin types, which must be handled differently during surgery.

The facial plastic surgeons at CEENTA are aware of and sensitive to the needs of people of all ethnic types. They will work with you to ensure that your desired outcome is met while ensure the surgery performed on your nose is complimentary to your ethnic background.

What happens during the nose surgery?

We ask you to arrive several hours before your nose job is scheduled. Medications are given before the operation to help prevent infection, promote healing, and reduce swelling after the surgery. You can expect the operation to last 1½ to 2½ hours.

In general, you should expect to have no scars on the outside of your nose. Sometimes, when performing a major correction or in a case of significant deviation secondary to injury, a small incision is placed under the tip of the nose to provide better visualization. Also, when narrowing of the nostrils is desired, we place incisions in the crease between the nostrils and the cheek, resulting in small scars that heal rapidly and become inconspicuous within a short time.

How do you recover from nose surgery?

While at the office

Following your surgery, we will place an adhesive splint over your nose and a small amount of soft gauze into each nostril to support the new nasal contour. Because the use of standard “packing” is avoided, much of the swelling, discoloration, and pain is reduced, making the recovery period much more pleasant for the patient. For the first day, you will need to apply cold compresses to your nose and keep your head elevated in an upright position.

After leaving the office 

You will be discharged from the office/hospital several hours following your nose job. Occasionally we may suggest an overnight stay if you need additional observation or care. Upon your discharge, we will give you a complete list of instructions to aid your healing, and we will schedule your return office appointment.

Typically, you should not expect a lot of pain during the healing period. We can, of course, prescribe pain medications if they are needed.

You will experience the most swelling and bruising in the first 48-72 hours of your nose job recovery. The bruising typically resolves ten days to two weeks after your operation. Most of the swelling will be gone in three weeks, although a minimal amount of swelling can last for up to one year. Your nose will feel stuffy at first, but this should clear up in two to four weeks. The use of an antihistamine/decongestant is OK following one week.

After removing the nose splint

We will remove the external splint from your nose a week after your surgery. Your nose may appear swollen or turned up too much at first. This is caused by fluid collecting in the soft tissues of your lip and the tip of your nose, but this will gradually improve. Thicker and oilier skin will require more time for the swelling to subside.

You may be able to return to work or school after one week, but you should not exert yourself for two weeks following your surgery. This includes any exercise that results in an elevation of the heart rate or blood pressure - aerobics, jogging, bicycle riding, weightlifting, and the like. You should not play any contact sports for two months. Try to avoid hitting or bumping your nose.

Follow-up appointments

We do ask you to return for periodic checkups during the first year following your surgery. This will give us a chance to assess your healing and provide you the opportunity to ask questions.

What are limitations to nose jobs?

Several factors may limit the amount of improvement you experience following plastic surgery on your nose. These limitations include the thickness of your skin, the initial amount of deformity, previous nasal surgery, and the extent of internal obstruction. There is obviously a limit as to how much a very large nose can be reduced in size or a wide nose can be narrowed. Slight contour irregularities that are apparent only to the patient and physician may be present after an operation and often disappear during healing.

Can I wear glasses after a nose job?

It is strongly recommended that you not wear glasses or sunglasses for the first six weeks after your surgery so they do not put any excess pressure on your healing nose and cause pain or even a shift in your healing nasal bones. You may wear glasses on top of the splint you will for the first week after your procedure, but it is recommended you wear the lightest glasses possible. If you must wear glasses, you may choose to apply a small piece of tape to the central bridge of your glasses and secure them off the nose so as not to cause any pain or swelling. Try to avoid wearing contact lenses for the first week, as swelling around the eyes may prevent comfortable placement and removal of the lenses. You and your doctor can discuss your options and their recommendations during your consultation.

Rhinoplasty nose procedures in Charlotte, NC

Our goal is improvement in appearance and function. A nose that has been severely injured or is markedly deformed may require more than one operation. This may be delayed six months to one year following the initial procedure.

CEENTA has facial plastic surgery specialists in SouthPark, Concord, and Huntersville who specialize in rhinoplasties and are skilled in the most up-to-date treatments and technologies.

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