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Since 1923, Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. has been the region’s premier eye, ear, nose, and throat care provider for adult and pediatric patients. CEENTA has nearly 50 ENT doctors in almost 20 locations across North and South Carolina. Our providers can test you for seasonal allergies, identify them, and provide you with a variety of prescriptions and other solutions. Testing includes skin and blood tests and treatment can include allergy shots, sublingual allergy drops, or avoidance. Our comprehensive approach to treating seasonal allergies and other allergies will get you back outside in no time. Please call 704.295.3000 to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.
Schedule an Appointment with an Allergy Specialist Find a Location Find a Provider
There are many different types of allergies out there, and yet allergy symptoms are often similar no matter what you're allergic to. It doesn't matter if it's pollens or peanuts, mold or milk, if your allergies are in the spring, summer, fall, winter, or all year long -- you need to know what your allergy symptoms are so you can receive allergy treatment if necessary. Allergy symptoms can range from itchy, watery eyes and congestion to difficulty breathing.
If you are one of the more than 50 million people in the United States with allergies, chances are all you can think about is how to put an end to your allergy symptoms. After all, Charlotte's seasonal allergies are among the worst in the nation. But before our allergists can recommend allergy treatment, they must find out what you are allergic to. Our allergy specialists can do just that by performing allergy testing. By themselves the test results cannot diagnose allergies, but when interpreted alongside a patient's medical history they can identify specific allergens.
Once your allergy testing results have come back, our allergists can recommend treatment methods. Depending on the allergen, our allergy specialists may recommend immunotherapy in the form of shots, sublingual drops or tablets. These regular treatments help your body build up an immunity to the allergen in question. This increases your tolerance to the allergen and, in some cases, may even cure it. If immunotherapy isn't right for you, avoidance of the allergen may also be recommended.
Dr. Bhend and the CEENTA Fort Mill team were friendly, helpful and seemed glad I was there.