A man and woman drinking tea, one method to treat a dry throat

Originally posted January 15, 2019

When the weather is cold and dry, or if you ever sleep with your mouth open, you may find yourself with an uncomfortably dry throat. No one likes this feeling, so today we’re going to discuss ways of treating a dry throat.

In This Article...

  1. What causes a dry throat?
  2. What are some ways to treat a dry throat?
    1. Keep your throat hydrated
    2. Soothe your throat
    3. Use a lozenge
    4. Gargle
    5. Breathe easier
    6. Practice avoidance

What causes a dry throat?

In order to properly treat your throat, you have to first know the cause. Many habitual and environmental factors can cause dry throat and possible throat pain. Bringing in dry air in areas with little to no humidity or breathing through your mouth instead of your mouth can increase this likelihood. Dry or itching throats can also be caused by caffeine and alcohol consumption that can reduce your hydration. Smokers can also face this symptom with the hot air removing moisture from their throat, also known as cottonmouth.

In terms of conditions, allergies and acid reflux can lead to dry throat. However, certain medications to treat these conditions can also exacerbate it.

What are some ways to treat a dry throat?

Some common methods for treating a dry throat include: 

Keep your throat hydrated

Keeping your throat hydrated and lubricated is the best way to keep it from getting dry and sore. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, with the best recommendation being at least eight to ten cups of water. Using a humidifier can help bring additional moisture into your surroundings, especially if you live in arid areas or if it's winter. If you wake up in the morning with a dry throat, the steam from a hot shower could help hydrate and lubricate your throat.

Soothe your throat

If you're experiencing pain from a sore throat, drink warm liquids such as tea with honey. Not only will the tea soothe your throat, but honey has strong antibacterial effects and helps treat coughs, which is useful if your dry throat is related to a cough. If it’s lunchtime, a simple soup with little to no spice can be a simple dry throat treatment. If this is your treatment method, make sure to have the liquid at an appropriate temperature, as hot liquid may make your symptoms feel worse.

Use a lozenge

Sucking on throat lozenges increases saliva production, which reduces dryness and coats the throat. This additional moisture in your throat, in turn, cuts down on pain and itchiness. Lozenges may contain eucalyptus or menthol to soothe your throat, but non-menthol versions are also available on the market. Before using a lozenge for your dry throat, make sure to read the ingredient list to avoid side effects or allergic reactions.


Gargling water has been a ritual for people right after brushing their teeth, but did you know that it can help with your throat's hydration? Using salt water (created at home and not from the ocean) can help by drawing moisture from surrounding tissue, which in turn can lubricate your throat. However, it is advised to not use too much salt in your solution should you try this method. Too much salt can be counterintuitive and create extra irritation.

Breathe easier

If you're experiencing nasal congestion which is causing you to sleep with your mouth open or you have postnasal drip, treating your nasal issues can help with your dry throat. Blowing your nose, using nasal spray or irrigation can help clear your nasal passages if you have a dry, irritated nose.

You can also determine the root cause of your mouth breathing. A deviated septum can limit your ability to breathe, but it can be corrected with a septoplasty. As previously mentioned, allergies can cause your congestion, which can be remedied with an allergy test and treatment with an allergist.

Practice avoidance

If your symptom is caused by caffeine or alcohol, cut down on both, especially before bed. If you smoke, look into methods to quit such as nicotine gum and patches after consulting a physician. If you have dust allergies keep your house, especially your air ducts, clean and replace your air filter each season. If you have pollen allergies, keep your windows closed and your house as pollen-free as possible.

ENT doctor Stephen Clyne, MD discussing how to treat a dry throat with scratchy throat remedies

“If you develop dry throat and feel that you are not improving with adequate hydration and avoidance of alcohol and caffeine and smoking, you should consult your primary care physician,” CEENTA ENT doctor Stephen Clyne, MD, said. “They may end up sending you to an otolaryngologist for further testing and treatment.”

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. Dr. Clyne practices in our Pineville office. To make an appointment with him or any of our ENT doctors, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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October 05, 2021

I have gone through the blog post and I must admit it is very informative. I liked the writing style too. Keep up the good work and share more contents. Cheers!
- Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat

April 16, 2021

My throat is clogged and my mouth stays dry what can be the cause of that
- Michael

April 19, 2021

Good morning. We can't diagnose individual patients without seeing them. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like an appointment with a CEENTA doctor, visit www.ceenta.com/appointments. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

March 31, 2021

Hello, what should I've done before and after drinking cold beverage to avoid sore throat?. Im always getting sore throat after drinking cold drinks and im not enjoying after drinking it because i worried for the sore throat that may cause my asthma attack or fever
- Nero

March 31, 2021

Good morning. Some people's throats are sensitive to hot or cold beverages. This is harmless and will not lead to fever or asthma attack. Unfortunately, the only effective way to avoid the sore throat is to avoid drinking cold beverages but, again, it will not harm you. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

February 26, 2021

Dry Mouth & Respiretory Problem W Esophagus Pain
- Shachia Ernest Abo

March 01, 2021

Good morning. If you have concerns about your health, please make an appointment with your physician. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like an appointment at CEENTA, please visit www.ceenta.com/appointments
Reply From: CEENTA

February 09, 2021

My throat is always dry even if i drink a lot of water also my nose feels dry. When i drink water i can't feel the water on my throat
- Minona Karyl

February 09, 2021

Good afternoon. If you have any concerns about your health, we recommend you make an appointment with your doctor. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like to see a CEENTA doctor, visit www.ceenta.com/appointments. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

February 08, 2021

I had a septoplasty and turbinosplasty last Jan 13,2021. However my throat and mouth gets dry at night and im congested all the time. Is it normal?
- Lolita

February 09, 2021

Good morning. It is difficult to determine a patient's specific medical needs without seeing them in person. Therefore, we urge you to bring up your concerns with your doctor. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and want a second opinion from a CEENTA doctor, please visit www.ceenta.com/appointments
Reply From: CEENTA

January 11, 2021

My throat is gets irritated and dry quicker if i breathe through my nose. I dont smoke and drink alcohol but i take little caffeine. I only drink coffee every morning then water throughout the day
- Ven

January 12, 2021

Good morning. A humidifier may help with your dry throat issues. However, if they persist, we recommend you visit a doctor for a thorough examination. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like an appointment with a CEENTA doctor, please visit www.ceenta.com/appointments
Reply From: CEENTA

November 11, 2020

Sore throat is usually irritating and painful at the same time. It can happen due to viral infections like flu, cold and cough. The remedies given in the article are really informative as one does not need to see a doctor unless the situation is critical. We at Urgent care Irvine too suggest our patients to first take take proper caution at home. The preventative measures given in the blog can certainly help a person suffering from sore throat to a lot of extent. Insightful information. Thanks for Sharing!
- Irvine Woodbridge Walk-In Urgent Care

September 21, 2020

Hello doctor i feel dry and itchy ears and throat everytime what should i do plz advice me anything
- Mashal

September 22, 2020

Good morning. We cannot diagnose patients' individual cases without seeing them. If you live in the Charlotte, NC region and would like an appointment with a CEENTA doctor, call 704-295-3000. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

September 14, 2020

My throat, headache, there is no cough. After the meal, the throat takes dry and it felt asbilous in the body. What to do

September 14, 2020

Good morning. We cannot diagnose individual patients without seeing them. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like an appointment with a CEENTA doctor, call 704-295-3000.
Reply From: CEENTA

September 13, 2020

I have difficulty swallowing dry dock.no Cold, cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing after meals, it causes discomfort in the body, -Sumon
- Suman

September 14, 2020

Good morning. We cannot diagnose specific cases over the Internet. If you live in the Charlotte, NC, region and would like an appointment with one of our doctors, please call 704-295-3000. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

July 07, 2020

Hello, I feel like the dry part is the top of my oropharnyx it feels dry and hurts and doesn't let me sleep at night, any natural remedies for me to try please besides salt water gargles?
- Israa

July 07, 2020

Good morning. We cannot diagnose individual cases over the Internet, so we recommend you discuss your concerns with a doctor. If you live in the Charlotte, NC region and would like an appointment with a CEENTA doctor, please call 704-295-3000. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 24, 2020

I had a slight scratchy throat like 3 weeks now and my throat is also very dry I think it should have been gone by now I never had a dry scratchy throat this long what should I do
- Jeweline harding

April 27, 2020

Good morning. If you live in the United States and would like to schedule a virtual visit with a CEENTA doctor, please call 704-295-3000. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 15, 2020

Mouth really dry afraid to go to sleep
- John

April 15, 2020

Good morning. If you live in the United States and would like a virtual visit appointment with one of our doctors, please call 704-295-3003. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 14, 2020

I have nasal polyps in one nostril. And i am unable to breathe with one nostril. For this my doctor suggested "macbery levo syrup", when I started using this I am feeling un comfortable in throat.
- Sultan

April 15, 2020

Good morning. If you live in the United States and would like a virtual visit appointment with one of our doctors, please call 704-295-3003. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 12, 2020

I'm having a dry painful cough
- Prince

April 13, 2020

Good morning. If you live in the Charlotte region and would like to request a virtual visit with one of our doctors, please call 704-295-3003. Thank you.
Reply From: CEENTA

October 14, 2019

- ayy

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