FSA dollars that can be used for many procedures and surgeries at CEENTA

At the start of a new year, you might think that you have some idea of what you want to do over the next twelve months. Have you considered having a procedure that you’ve been putting off for some time? You can now, thanks to your FSA.

What is an FSA?

Your company benefits package may include the opportunity to contribute money to a special account put aside for health care expenses. This is a flexible spending account (FSA), which uses pre-tax dollars added in by yourself and your employer.

What are the advantages of an FSA?

Contributing to a flexible spending account is ideal for families with eligible dependents who may have upcoming procedures. The contributions are added to the account before taxes are taken out of your paycheck, meaning that you save money on prescriptions and procedures as well as your overall paycheck depending on your tax bracket.

What procedures and treatments can be covered using FSA dollars?

While this will be dependent on your employer’s specific FSA guidelines, the funds used in this account can predominantly be used on expenses not covered by your health insurance plan. For procedures that are covered by federal, state, or private health insurance plans, your FSA dollars can be used for co-pay costs.

Some of the many procedures and treatments you can use with your FSA dollars include:

What should be considered while using FSA dollars?

As beneficial as FSA money can be, there are certain limitations. Not every procedure is eligible, so it is important to discuss with your physician if any future treatments will need to be covered through your health insurance plan. These funds also have an expiration date; any amount not used by the end of the year (or March 15th depending on your company’s stipulations) will be subject to a partial or full refund to your employer. That means you will need to be sure to time your planned procedures strategically if you intend on using this account.

If you are looking to save money while planning upcoming procedures, your FSA could make the difference. Many of the eligible treatments are performed by CEENTA’s diverse team of surgeons, from vision correction to septoplasty to blepharoplasty and beyond. Schedule your next appointment with CEENTA at one of our nearly 18 locations today and see how far your FSA can take you.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our eye and ENT doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.


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