A hayride where someone might get allergens

Halloween is less than two weeks away, and while parties and trick-or-treating might be curtailed, many people still plan to take part in outdoor activities like corn mazes or hayrides. However, people should be cautious that they don’t trigger their fall allergies.

What allergens could be triggered?

When people think of Halloween allergies, they think of nut and other food allergies from candy. But fall is a time for ragweed and pigweed allergies, plus grass allergies might be lingering from the summer. And, as the weather gets cold and damp, mold allergies become prevalent, too.

Outdoor activities and allergies

A corn maze

Corn mazes and hayrides could be sources of allergens. Hay, after all, is dried grass. Ragweed or pigweed pollen could also be captured in these bales, too, and be released as the bales are disturbed. As the pollen moves through the air, it could settle on the cornstalks, too.

If you live in a region where the leaves are already falling, there’s a good chance they have been raked into piles. Like haybales, allergens could be caught in those piles. If the leaves are damp, mold might grow in them, too.

Therefore, if you have allergies, exercise caution or take any medicines you might have before tromping through the leaves or plopping down on some hay.

Wear your mask for COVID, not allergies

Even though you’re wisely wearing your mask to protect yourself and others from COVID, it won’t necessarily help with allergies. Unless you wear your mask every minute of every day it will not filter out the small allergens that cause allergic symptoms.

Allergy care at CEENTA

If you think you might have fall allergies, come to CEENTA. Our doctors will test you and determine what, if any, treatment you need. This could range from avoidance to over-the-counter medicines to immunotherapy.

Halloween is an unusual holiday this year, and we want you to stay as safe and healthy as possible. Keep wearing your mask, keep practicing social distancing, and get the allergy care you deserve from CEENTA.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an allergy appointment at CEENTA? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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