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One of the common concerns people have when they are diagnosed with hearing loss is what they would look like with hearing aids. They get self-conscious, and don’t want it to be obvious their hearing has started to go. But many people have hearing loss, and not just those you see in your everyday life. Plenty of celebrities have hearing loss, too. In today's blog you'll learn about nine of them.
It’s the middle of the night and you wake up with a sharp, stabbing pain in your ear. You’re pretty sure you have an ear infection. You’re surprised, because you didn’t know adults could get ear infections. As it turns out, they can.
Many of us who spend a lot of time outside are warned to watch out for ticks, since they can spread Lyme disease. Did you know Lyme disease can have a serious impact on your hearing?
You get a physical every year and you go to the dentist for regular cleanings, but you never remember to make appointments to make sure your vision prescription is up to date. February is Low Vision Awareness Month, so what better time to talk about six reasons you should have a vision screening?
You may have heard your grandparents say “feed a cold, starve a fever.” As it turns out, you should eat when you have both. Plenty of foods have properties that help when you’re sick, and today we’d like to talk about eight different types of foods and beverages you should consume when ill.
You love seafood. Shellfish, in particular. It doesn’t matter what it is, you’ll eat it. You’ve heard fish such as salmon can have positive health benefits for your eyes, but what about the shellfish? What can they do for you?