woman nasal breathing

​Sing strongly with nasal breathing

Apr 25, 2017

Exercising your voice, resting it at the appropriate times and not overusing it, avoiding acid reflux, and treating your allergies are all good ways to keep your voice healthy and strong. Just as important as all of that, though, is knowing proper breathing techniques. Breathing through your nose has many benefits, especially if you’re preparing for a major singing engagement.

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learn myths and facts about LASIK

Shining a light on LASIK

Mar 28, 2017

LASIK is a fascinating medical procedure. A doctor uses lasers to create a flap in the cornea and reshape the inner corneal tissue. The flap is then replaced and the eye heals normally. When the procedure is over, your need for corrective lenses is greatly reduced or eliminated. But as common a procedure as it is, there is still a lot of misinformation about LASIK out there, so today we’ll separate the myths from the facts.

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A woman's voice is affected by acid reflux.

​How acid reflux can affect your voice

Feb 28, 2017

No one likes dealing with acid reflux. The indigestion, the sour taste in your mouth, and the difficulty swallowing are all uncomfortable effects of reflux. But did you know acid reflux can even cause you to lose your voice? This is called reflux laryngitis. Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. Otolaryngologist Darrell Klotz, MD, discusses reflux laryngitis in this month’s blog.

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​​Five ways to help you avoid getting a cold

Jan 31, 2017

Nobody likes getting a cold. A runny nose, a sore throat, and constantly being tired are annoyances no one wants to deal with. But while there is no cure for a common cold, are there ways to prevent them? Below are five strategies for keeping yourself healthy and cold-free.

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Avoid cleaning ears with q-tips. Learn proper ear wax removal techniques

​Keep your ears healthy. Avoid unnecessary ear wax removal

Jan 18, 2017

Many people think they need to remove the earwax in the ears with Q-tips or other cleaning methods. But doctors have long said it is unsafe, and the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery has published a new guideline on cerumen impaction that reiterates that point.

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Eye Chart which can be used in determining the numbers for your eye exam

​Seeing things clearly: understanding the numbers in your eye exam

Dec 09, 2016

The numbers used to measure vision are probably some of the most recognizable in the world. 20/20 has become shorthand for seeing things clearly, not just physically but metaphorically, too. But what do those numbers actually mean?

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