Keeping your head down, following through on your swing, and assessing your lie properly are all important steps in helping get a good score when playing golf. But did you know that hearing also plays an important part in bringing your score down? Studies have shown that individuals who can hear well out of both ears play better than those with hearing loss. If you can hear clearly, there’s a chance you can tell how well you hit the ball based on how it sounds when it makes contact. A good shot sounds different than one hit off center, not just when you’re driving but when you’re putting or taking a chip shot, too. Hearing loss can also make it difficult to concentrate if there are background noises, such as wind. The social aspects of the game can be affected, too. Golf is often played with up to three other people. However, as with many social situations, hearing loss can make it hard to follow the conversations you’re having with your fellow players. When people can’t understand those around them, they tend to get frustrated and withdraw from social events, which can lead to isolation and depression. If you have hearing loss, CEENTA can help. Our audiology and ENT doctors can test your hearing and do a complete lifestyle assessment to determine the best hearing care needs for you. Once complete, our doctors will fit you with the perfect hearing aids for your needs. Our hearing aids won’t fix your slice, but they will give you the chance to hear better and focus on your game. This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. To schedule an appointment for a hearing test, call 704-295-3000.