A man with sudden hearing loss.

With review from CEENTA Audiology Department Manager Kimberly Schneider, AuD

Most people will lose at least some of their hearing as they get older, but that is a gradual process. If you experience sudden hearing loss, it is a sign of something more serious and warrants an immediate doctor’s visit.

What is the definition of sudden hearing loss?

Sudden hearing loss is an abrupt decline in your hearing ability that happens anywhere from over the course of a few minutes to the span of a few days. It usually happens in one ear. Some people report hearing a popping sound, and they feel like their ear is clogged. Sudden hearing loss can happen at any age.

What causes sudden hearing loss?

There are a number of causes of sudden hearing loss, including infections and immune system malfunctions, blocked blood flow, an ear injury, head trauma, and neurological disorders. It could even be a sign of a stroke or tumor.

Why is it so important to see a doctor right away?

In addition to treating the cause of the sudden hearing loss, immediate care is needed because, without it, you could experience permanent hearing loss. Unfortunately, many people ignore sudden hearing loss because they think they have allergies, a sinus infection, or some other common concern.

How is sudden hearing loss treated?

Treatment of sudden hearing loss depends on the cause. For example, an infection may be treated with antibiotics. Steroids are also often used to help reduce swelling and inflammation. Because treatment depends on the source of the loss, a full doctor’s examination is important.

Hearing care at CEENTA

If you experience sudden hearing loss, make an appointment with a CEENTA doctor. They will determine the cause of your hearing loss and work hard to make sure this abrupt loss isn’t a permanent one.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. If you would like an appointment with a CEENTA ENT doctor or audiologist, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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