Do you or your child need allergy shots but have difficulty getting to a doctor during the day? CEENTA’s Mooresville office now offers extended hours on Wednesdays to accommodate patients’ busy schedules.

The office, located at 149 Plantation Ridge Drive, Suite 190, Mooresville, will be open 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays starting November 2. This will benefit adult allergy patients who can’t get immunotherapy because they can’t miss work once a week, and school-age children who can’t get immunotherapy because of their parents’ work schedule, Practice Manager Stephanie Cornelius said.

Patients will also be able to get treatment for ear, nose, and throat needs and follow-up care, Otolaryngologist Roy Lewis, MD, said.

If you would like to make an appointment with anyone at the Plantation Ridge office, call 704-658-0595.


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