Dr. Shobit Rastogi on WCNC's Charlotte Today discussing glaucoma care

CEENTA glaucoma specialist Shobit Rastogi, MD, appeared on WCNC's Charlotte Today on March 21, 2023 to discuss glaucoma care. Learn more about this condition and schedule your next appointment with Dr. Rastogi at our Statesville and Mooresville locations by calling 704-295-3000.

Transcript of the Interview

Mia Atkins: Well, this morning we're talking eye health, specifically glaucoma. And today we're talking with Dr. Shobit Rastogi from Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates. So thanks so much for being here, and let's start with the basics. What is glaucoma?

Dr. Shobit Rastogi: Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve. If you think of the eyeball as your visual pathway to the world, the eyeballs are connected to your brain through the optic nerve. In glaucoma, the optic nerve gets damaged.

Mia: So what are some symptoms that people can pay attention to that they might have glaucoma?

Dr. Rastogi: They call glaucoma the silent thief. A lot of times there are no symptoms, but patients may have pain, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, most importantly, family history.

Mia: OK. So definitely know your family history. And then if you notice some of those other symptoms that could be associated with it. So what are some of the risk factors then?

Dr. Rastogi: Race, African Americans tend to have more glaucoma than Caucasians. Family history, elevated eye pressure, optic nerve asymmetry. Basically, the most important thing is to get exams so it can be caught early.

Mia: Right, so definitely make sure to keep up to date with all of those exams. And you know, if you do go get an exam and you find out that you do have glaucoma, CEENTA has a lot of treatment options available for people. So, tell me what treatment can be done for this?

Dr. Rastogi: There are several treatment options. You know, in the past, glaucoma used to be a blind sentence. It's not like that anymore. There's medications, we can do lasers. There's a lot of surgical options. In fact, for a lot of patients, cataract surgery can take care of their glaucoma.

Mia: Well, you operate out of the Statesville location, so for people watching right now, tell us where that is.

Dr. Rastogi: It's on 646 Hartness Road.

Mia: Okay, and then I know that you guys have tons of other offices across the area, including one that's looking to open up right now, right? Tell me about that.

Dr. Rastogi: Yeah, in Mooresville. Very excited about it. It's a brand new location. Before it was just ENT. Now there's going to be eyes and ENT.

Mia: So lots of great places to go and make sure that you're keeping up to date with your health.

Well, thank you so much for joining us today. We really appreciate it.

Dr. Rastogi: Thank you.


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