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CEENTA audiologist Carolyn Franks, AuD, CCC-A, appeared on WSOC's The Daily Two on July 26, 2024, to discuss hearing loss causes and hearing aid options. To learn more, visit our Audiology page and schedule your next audiology appointment with Dr. Franks at our Monroe office by calling 704-295-3300.
Laura Palka: The Daily Two is brought to you by Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates.Welcome to The Daily Two, I'm Laura Palka and we're on-location today at CEENTA's Monroe office talking about hearing loss with audiologist Lynn Franks. Lynn, thanks for being here today.Tell us some of the causes of hearing loss.Carolyn Franks, AuD, CCC-A: Well there's many causes of hearing loss. Most people, of course, are familiar with the fact that you can incur hearing loss due to noise damage, but also there's a lot of genetics when it comes to hearing loss, so some people especially with age-related hearing loss may have a genetic component to that and also children who may be born with hearing loss will often have a genetic component as well. But there's also ear infections and all the other things that people think about as far as things that can be maybe medically managed when it comes to hearing loss as well.Laura: So what are some ways that we can protect our ears from hearing loss?Carolyn: Yeah, so that's a really good question cause like I alluded to before, a lot of noise exposure hearing losses could be prevented. So of course that's one of the things that we like to talk about a lot and focus on because we can prevent hearing loss when it comes to noise exposure, so that means not just wearing hearing protection when you're around very loud noise like machinery or at a car race, but also being really careful about protecting your hearing from exposure to damaging noise with headphones so you can control it that way. And most of the smartphones actually have controls for that too if you're using Wireless or Bluetooth headsets too.Laura: And I know one of the things that you offer here is hearing aids. Tell us real quickly about that.Carolyn: Yeah, so we have lots of different kinds of hearing aids. Obviously, once you're medically cleared for hearing aids and you're determined to be a good candidate, you can definitely look at many options as far as what's available. There's in-the-ear, behind-the ear, etc.Laura: Lynn thanks so much for being here today, we appreciate it. If you'd like more information, you can call the number on your screen or go to
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