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With review and feedback from CEENTA Ophthalmologist Pedro Cervantes, MD (SouthPark, Fort Mill, Steele Creek)
Winter is around the corner, and as the weather gets colder, you may notice it gets more difficult to see. Are the cold temperatures to blame?
Excessively cold temperatures can constrict your eye’s blood vessels or even freeze your cornea. This can cause blurred vision, double vision, or even a loss of sight. If you are in extremely cold temperatures and notice these symptoms, get into a warmer environment immediately. If your normal vision doesn’t return in a half hour, seek medical attention.
Even if you’re not exposed to extreme temperatures, normal cold weather can still have an impact. For example, cold air is usually drier than air at a more moderate temperature. This can dry your eyes out, causing discomfort, irritation, or even excessive tearing.
When it’s very cold outside, it’s natural to want to sit close to your heaters when you return indoors. However, that, too, can dry out your eyes.
“I always tell patients that if they notice fluctuations in their vision, more often than not it is due to dry eyes,” CEENTA Ophthalmologist Pedro Cervantes, MD, said. “So, I encourage patients to increase the frequency of lubricating eye drops.”
A further complication that could affect your vision is whether there’s snow on the ground. Snow reflects sunlight, which can make UV rays even intense than in summer months. In fact, they could even cause photokeratitis, or a sunburn on your eyes. While it usually goes away within 48 hours, it can still cause redness, pain, swelling, and light sensitivity. Therefore, sunglasses or other eye protection can be very beneficial.
If you need prescription sunglasses, you can purchase them at CEENTA. Now through December 31, 2020, you can buy one and get a second set half-off. And if you are having vision problems, schedule an appointment at CEENTA. Our ophthalmologists are here to help you see as well as possible, no matter what time of year it is or what the temperature may be outside.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can now schedule an appointment online with Dr. Cervantes or any of our nearly 50 eye doctors in North and South Carolina. You can also schedule through myCEENTAchart or by calling 704-295-3000.
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