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Originally written September 28, 2017
Being a singer can mean a lot of late nights and early mornings of performances and practicing. But if you are not getting enough sleep, you could make yourself susceptible to voice injury or impede healing a vocal injury.
Adults need an average of 7-to-9 hours of sleep a night, but only about a third of adults in the U.S. get the sleep they need. Like the rest of your body, your voice needs rest. Sleep is involved in repairing your body. Not only can it help your heart, blood vessels, and immune system, but it also releases a hormone that boosts muscle mass and repairs cells.
A lack of sleep can affect your voice in many ways. Exhaustion can make it harder to breathe properly while using your voice without straining it, which can cause vocal fatigue. It can also be taxing to think about how you’re using your voice or how to take care of it during the day. Finally, being tired can make you more likely to look for caffeine sources like coffee, which can dehydrate your throat and cause mucus to build up on the vocal folds.
If you sing while your voice is tired, you can develop hoarseness, a condition when your voice sounds breathy, raspy, or strained.
However, hoarseness is a symptom rather than a condition in and of itself. Laryngitis, an inflammation of the vocal cords due to illness, is the most common cause of hoarseness. Vocal fold lesions such as nodules, polyps, and cysts can also develop on the vocal cords when you strain to talk or sing.
It’s important to remember that raspy voices are not natural. If your voice is regularly hoarse, it is a sign that your vocal cords are being overworked.
If you struggle to get sleep at night, there are a number of steps you can take:
Heavy meals, alcohol, and nicotine can also contribute to acid reflux, which can also affect the voice. Another thing to note is that if your voice is fatigued, it’s important to get additional rest throughout the day instead of relying solely on sleep. To do this, schedule several 15-minute periods where you don’t talk.
Any hoarseness that does not resolve itself in 2-3 weeks should be evaluated by an ENT doctor, preferably someone who specializes in voice care.
Your voice is just as important as the rest of your body, and making sure you get enough sleep will help ensure it stays as rested and healthy as the rest of you. If your hoarseness does not subside after three weeks, schedule an appointment with CEENTA. Their voice and swallowing specialists can examine your throat for additional vocal disorders and recommend treatment options best suited for your lifestyle.
To schedule a voice and swallowing appointment with CEENTA, call 704-295-3000.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. To make an appointment with one of CEENTA’s doctors, call 704-295-3000.
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Tired and watery.