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With review and feedback from CEENTA ENT doctors Darrell Klotz, MD (SouthPark), Michael Sicard, MD (Matthews), and Nicholas Stowell, MD (Concord)
Masks keep you safe. That’s a fact. But some people are concerned they could cause problems with their ENT health. That’s why our doctors took the time today to address those concerns.
Masks are ineffective if they don’t cover both the nose and mouth, but some people complain that they can’t breathe in a mask. If that’s the case, try switching to a different type of mask. If you normally wear a cloth mask, switch to a surgical one. They’re lighter, and since doctors everywhere have spent entire days wearing them even before the pandemic, you know they’re effective.
Being able to communicate with the world around you is very important, and we understand that wearing a mask can be a challenge for patients with hearing issues. Hearing loss is amplified when we can’t see lips moving, and wearing masks can make it difficult for you to understand others. If you are having difficulty hearing those with masks on, you may need to have your hearing tested.
A clogged nose could be caused by allergies, a cold, or altered nasal anatomy, and not your mask. If you have allergies, first try using over-the-counter medicines like nasal steroids and antihistamines to help with the congestion, CEENTA ENT doctor Nicholas Stowell, MD, said. If that doesn’t work, one of CEENTA’s ear nose and throat specialists could help you develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
This blog goes into further detail about how to deal with allergies during this pandemic.
As an added bonus, wearing a mask masks helps keep your nasal tissue moist, which is particularly helpful in the winter, as it reduces nasal crusting and bleeds, CEENTA ENT doctor Michael Sicard, MD, said.
When people have issues with hoarseness or projecting their voice, adding a barrier and removing facial expression from the conversation makes communication that much harder, CEENTA ENT doctor Darrell Klotz, MD, said. People with voicing issues are encouraged to make an appointment with a CEENTA ENT doctor or voice & swallowing specialist. Family and friends of people with voice issues should practice patience, focusing on and paying careful attention to what their friends and loved ones are saying.
In addition to breathing issues, some people have concerns about skin irritation, particularly around the nose and ears. Moisturizing cream can help. So can loosening your mask slightly – just not so loose that it lets air in or out or falls off your nose.
We strongly encourage you to wear masks when necessary. If you feel you have a condition that makes wearing one uncomfortable, schedule an appointment at CEENTA. Our doctors are here to help you breathe easy and make sure you are comfortable while you stay safe.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can now schedule an appointment online with any of our more than 40 ENT doctors in North and South Carolina. You can also schedule through myCEENTAchart or by calling 704-295-3000.
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