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Originally written July 7, 2020
You’re getting older and it’s getting harder to see when you’re reading. It’s time to get some reading glasses. But is it true they’ll make your vision worse?
During the early and middle years of life, the lens of the eye provides for the capability to focus on both near and distant images. To accomplish this feat, the lens changes shape, getting thicker for near objects and thinner for distant objects.
Presbyopia occurs when the lens of the eye is no longer able to change shape, which typically takes place around the age of forty. Presbyopia makes vision blurry when looking at near objects. It may also become difficult to adjust focus when switching from near to distance vision.
All reading glasses will do is improve your near vision. The reason people think their glasses are hurting their eyes is because their vision weakens due to age at the same time they start wearing them. The ability to see up close gradually reduces over time between the ages of 40 and 65, which is why we continually have to increase the power of our reading glasses every year or two. So, since your vision will worsen with age regardless of whether you’re wearing reading glasses, you’ll only be better off using them.
Also, ironically, when people remove their reading glasses things look blurry again, so they think their glasses have worsened their vision. In actuality, they’re just used to how good things look when wearing their glasses.
If you are concerned about your near vision, don’t hesitate to schedule an eye exam at CEENTA. Our doctors will determine if your vision is weakening. If you do need reading glasses, you can rest easy knowing they will only help your vision.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can schedule an appointment with a CEENTA eye doctor online or through myCEENTAchart.
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