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Originally written April 15, 2022
Whether you’re taking in the warmer weather on the tennis court or watching your child at the plate, experiencing sports in the spring is like nothing else. As an athlete, your vision is one of the most important tools at your disposal, and this can absolutely be affected by an eye injury during play.
Eye injuries can occur from equipment on the field during baseball and racquet sports like tennis and badminton. This can include black eyes, corneal abrasions, and orbital fractures. Soccer players are also at risk of getting injured by the ball, but the sport’s close contact nature can also create situations where players can injure each other with eye pokes, accidental headbutts, and even detached retinas. Those using the warm weather as an opportunity to swim could experience red, irritated eyes from chlorine pools.
Some athletes opt to wear glasses during games and practice, but the downside is the potential risk for damage, especially during close contact sports. Protective eyewear such as “sports glasses” and goggles can reduce the likelihood of eye injuries while still having prescription lenses for proper eyesight. Helmets and headgear can also provide some coverage, but it is very much dependent on the sport you or your child play. For sports that have a relative amount of spatial distancing, like golf, sunglasses can help prevent your eyes from excessive UV exposure.
Dr. Brent Warren, a CEENTA ophthalmologist who practices out of our Statesville office, has advice for patients. "While participating in sports this spring and summer, protect one of your greatest assets: your eyes. CEENTA eye doctors are here to provide you with the best protective eyewear."
Mild eye injuries such as black eyes can be treated at home with ice and over-the-counter pain relievers. With that said, it is important to check on the eye and talk to an eye care provider if additional symptoms, like blurry vision, begin to form. More severe eye injuries should be seen by a physician, ophthalmologist, and optometrist to determine the extent of the damage. They will then provide a prognosis on when you or your child can return to play.
Enjoying sports on the field or the sidelines can be enhanced with the right vision. If you or your child are experiencing blurry vision, irritated eyes, or simply need to update your prescription, talk to the specialists at CEENTA. Our award-winning eye care team is devoted to treating many eye conditions that are prevalent in and out of sports with offices spanning across the Carolinas. Schedule your next eye appointment with Dr. Warren at our Statesville location today to get ready for every match, meet, and moment.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our eye doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.
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