A happy woman wearing glasses after an eye exam at CEENTA.

Happy new year! If you’re like many people, you’ve made a resolution or two to live a healthier life this year. But personal wellness is more than just going to the gym. It’s about keeping your entire body healthy, and CEENTA is here to help.

Resolve to care for your eyes

Has your vision been blurry? Do you have a family history of eye issues? Make an appointment for an eye exam at CEENTA. Not only do our eye doctors offer routine eye exams and vision screenings, but they can check you for more serious concerns, like cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, eye infections, and more. If you need treatment for those conditions, our eye doctors will develop a care plan with you. Eye exams can also detect a number of other diseases, too, from diabetes to hypertension to cancer.

If you need glasses or contact lenses, you can get them in the same place you get your eye exam. And if you want to reduce your need for corrective lenses, LASIK is an option here, too.

Resolve to care for your ears

Did you have trouble hearing your family over the holidays? If you think you might be losing your hearing, make an appointment for a hearing exam. Our doctors will help you determine if you do have hearing loss and what your next step – such as hearing aids – could be. And if you don’t have hearing loss, but instead have an ear infection or some other blockage, your doctor can determine a course of treatment for that, too.

Resolve to care for your nose and throat

Did you get sick over the holidays? Did you eat too much and get acid reflux? Have you been snoring? Whether it’s a one-time illness or something chronic, our ENT doctors can treat these issues and more. If you want to go into 2019 as healthy as possible, dealing with ear, nose, and throat issues is a good start.

Why should I resolve to go to CEENTA?

CEENTA has more than 130 healthcare providers in nearly 20 locations across North and South Carolina. Many of our doctors are fellowship-trained in their areas of expertise, and a number of them are involved in developing new medical treatments through our research programs. And not only has CEENTA been in the Carolinas since 1923, but we’ll be here for many years to come, too.

Wellness involves more than toning your muscles. It means caring for your whole body, too. Let CEENTA help you have a healthy and positive 2019. It just makes sense.

To make an appointment with any of CEENTA’s doctors, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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