Nose hair

With review and feedback from Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. ENT doctor Michael Falcone, MD (University)

Well, that’s annoying. You looked in the mirror and saw your nose hairs are long and unsightly. Time to break out the scissors and start trimming, right? Before you do, let’s talk about what that hair does and why you might want to be cautious.

What does nose hair do?

Nasal hair acts as a filtration system for your breathing passages. It collects foreign particles such as dust, pollen, and viruses, preventing them from entering your lungs and causing an infection.

The nasal hair you see in the mirror is different from the cilia that lines the nasal cavity. While the cilia are also hairs, they are smaller and thinner and are responsible for finer filtration of foreign substances out of the air you breathe.

Should I trim my nose hair?

Trimming nose hair.

If you feel your nose hair needs grooming, trimming is the safest option. Small scissors or an electric nose hair trimmer are your best choices. Clip the visible hairs until they are just short enough that they can’t be seen. Don’t remove too much of it, as you still need it to filter the air passing through your nose. Also, work slowly so you don’t accidentally injure the inside of your nose. When you are finished, blow your nose to remove any excess trimmings. Don’t wash the inside of your nose.

Should I pluck my nose hair?

Michael Falcone, MD

Plucking nose hair is not recommended. This could lead to ingrown hairs or infections. The painful bumps people find in their noses are often the result of aggressively grooming their nasal hair, CEENTA ENT doctor Michael Falcone, MD, said. These bumps are called furuncles, or boils.

Should I wax my nose hair?

For the same reasons as plucking your nose hair, waxing your nose hair is also not recommended.

Will you take care of my nasal health?

If you think you may have trimmed too much nose hair, or if you have any other concerns about your nasal health, schedule an appointment with a CEENTA doctor today. They will help make sure your breathing is easy and pain-free.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an appointment with Dr. Falcone? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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