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Falling asleep can be difficult sometimes, but trying to sleep during those hot summer nights can be an even harder struggle. Typically, in the summer, people tend to go to bed later due to the longer days which align with natural circadian rhythms. If your work schedule remains constant, this can result in less sleep for parents. However, school age children and especially teens, tend to sleep more in the summer and attain a more natural rhythm of sleep. Nonetheless, if you're still struggling to sleep in the summer, here are a few things you can do to find the rest you need.
The summer months equal longer daytime hours, which means that those who go to bed earlier in the evening are exposed to extra light in their bedroom. Daylight Saving Time is also present in most of our states. This means it is darker later in the night, which means more daylight that suppresses natural melatonin secretion.
Dr. Joshua Levine, a CEENTA otolaryngologist and sleep specialist at our Blakeney office, offers some advice for those struggling to sleep. “If you block out the extra light by using curtains before bed, this can enhance your body’s natural sleep rhythms.”
Extra daylight means more time outside, right? Yes, and it can also lead to you getting tired while it’s still daytime, not to mention your body using more energy to combat the warm weather. While a nap may seem like a good idea, keep in mind that timing is important. Napping later on in the day after 4 pm, even when there’s still daylight, may cause your sleepiness to be reduced and disrupt your natural sleep onset.
Allergies can be aggressive during the summertime, and as a result you may experience heightened symptoms after a long day outside. Along with cleaning your home frequently to remove pollen, it’s specifically advised to wash your sheets in hot water to reduce allergens which can interfere with nasal breathing and sleep.
If your sleep is disrupted due to severe snoring, congestion or even breathing difficulties, schedule an appointment with a CEENTA sleep specialist who can diagnose your condition and recommend treatment options best suited for you.
For a better night’s sleep in the summer, schedule with Dr. Levine at our Blakeney location online or through your myCEENTAchart account.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our ENT doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.
Do you struggle to stay asleep at night? It could be your acid reflux, which can be fixed with a few dietary and lifestyle changes.
Are your allergies worse at night? Learn about common allergy causes and what you can do to treat it with a CEENTA ENT specialist.
Tired and watery.