A woman puts drops in here eyes

Your eyes are itchy and you’re in serious need of relief. You find an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet. You pause before using them and wonder, should I be using them?

When should I not use eye drops?

The first thing you should do is make sure they aren’t prescription eye drops. Those are geared towards curing specific conditions, not just moistening the eyes.

Second, it’s not a good idea to use eye drops that are more than a month old. The preservatives that keep them sterile only last for about 28 days, and should definitely be disposed of after three months. After that, you run the risk of inflammation, irritation, or even infection because bacteria may get into the drops. If you need the drops for medical purposes, they may not be as effective in treating any eye condition you may have.

Also, don’t use someone else’s eye drops, especially if they are prescription drops. As mentioned above, prescription drops are designed to treat specific ailments. On top of that, you also run the risk of spreading infections between the two of you.

CEENTA eye doctor Ernest Bhend, MD

Even if they aren’t old or medicated eye drops, the drops you have may not be good for your needs. For example, your itchiness may be caused by allergies. If so, try to avoid over-the-counter allergy drops, as their antihistamine effects can dry your eyes out more, CEENTA Ophthalmologist Ernest Bhend, MD, said. Instead, use artificial tears, or even prescription allergy eye drops. Since a lot of allergy symptoms can actually be caused by dry eye, artificial tears will not only moisten your eyes but can also help flush out the allergens.

You also want to avoid eye drops that are designed to “get the red out,” Dr. Bhend said.

“These drops work just by constricting the blood vessels on the surface of the eyes,” he said. “These vasoconstrictors can actually irritate the eyes more. Regular artificial tears are a better option.”

It’s also best to avoid putting too many drops in your eyes. It's sometimes easier said than done, because getting drops into your eyes in the first place is tricky and it’s easy to put too many in to overcompensate. Still, this is something you want to not do because you not only run the risk of wasting drops, but in some cases too many medicated eye drops can irritate your eyes.

And no matter how itchy your eyes are, don’t rub them. You’ll only irritate your eyes more and make the itching worse.

If the drops you found are new and are good for your particular needs, it’s probably fine to use them. But if you have any doubts, play it safe and just buy a new bottle.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. To make an appointment with a CEENTA eye doctor, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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June 21, 2020

Good morning. Recently the corner of my right eye has been itching very badly, and I don’t really know the cause. When I searched it up it said to be an allergy but I don’t know what allergy I’m dealing with. And I tried to use my contact lenses rewetting solution eye drop because I heard dry eyes can cause the itch. But it is only my right eye that is itching. I don’t really know what to do, can you help me?
- Yen Nguyen

June 22, 2020

Good morning. We cannot diagnose individual patients without seeing them, so if you live in the Charlotte region and would like an in-person appointment, or you live in the United States and would like a virtual visit, please call 704-295-3000.
Reply From: CEENTA

December 11, 2019

I went to an ophthalmologist and said i have dry eyes so the Dr. Prescribed me with Artificial tears. So then even when i use it. Every time i wake up my eyes are very red. Why is it?
- Princess

December 11, 2019

Good morning. We recommend discussing this with your doctor, as we cannot diagnose patients over the Internet. If you live in the Charlotte region and would like a second opinion, please call 704-295-3000.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 02, 2019

Is your office in rockford illinois
- Verella jones

April 03, 2019

Sorry, no. We are located in Charlotte, NC.
Reply From: CEENTA

April 02, 2019

Eyes are red and itch doctor gave me over the counter drop call syslane eye still itch and clear up and days later become very red and itch more something is wrong do not have diabeti of the eye or pink eye.
- Verellla jones

March 15, 2018

I have a small spot on the white of my eye that can fill with fluid. I've see my eye doctor and he has put a small needle in it to drain it. It bothers me sometimes during allergy season. He gave me antibiotics drops but the spot never went completely away. What is this?
- Chell mullis

March 16, 2018

Good morning. We are unable to provide medical diagnoses through this platform. We recommend you make an appointment with one of our doctors for any medical issues for which you have concerns.
Reply From: CEENTA

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