A woman with eye pressure that may be glaucoma

Have you ever felt pressure behind your eye? All you want is it for it to go away so you can focus on your day. The best way to treat it is to first learn what the source is, so today we’d like to talk about what causes pressure behind the eye.

Headaches and eye pressure

Headaches – be they tension headaches, cluster headaches, or migraines – are often linked to eye pressure. Tension headaches are when you feel tightening or a sensation of pressing in your head. Cluster headaches are headaches that come and go throughout the day and can occur every few days or weeks before stopping. Migraines are intense headaches, usually characterized by severe throbbing pain. In addition to eye pressure, they are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last for hours or even days, and the pain can be disabling.

Pain relievers are usually the best course of action for treating headaches. For non-migraine headaches, over-the-counter medicine should suffice. If you have migraines, you and your doctor will discuss the right course of treatment for you, which may include pain relievers and other medications.

Sinusitis and eye pressure

Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, is when bacteria or viruses get into your sinus cavities, causing your sinuses to swell. Other symptoms include a stuffy or runny nose, mucus drainage, a cough, fever, fatigue, and ear pain. Sinusitis is often treated with antibiotics, but chronic sinusitis often needs additional treatment.

A toothache and eye pressure

If you have a toothache, the surrounding nerves may become aggravated, which can spread the pain from your teeth to your eye. Visit a dentist to have your tooth treated and you can treat your eye pain at the same time.

Injuries and eye pressure

If you sustain a facial injury, damage to the surrounding muscles or nerves can cause eye pressure. Discuss all your discomfort with your doctor so they can correctly treat your injuries.

Optic neuritis and eye pressure

If the optic nerve becomes swollen or inflamed, you can experience eye pressure. Infections and diseases like multiple sclerosis are often associated with optic neuritis. Other symptoms include blurred vision, vision loss, color blindness, and reactions to bright light. See a doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

Graves’ disease and eye pressure

Graves’ disease is when an overactive thyroid gland makes the tissues, muscles, and fat behind your eyes swell. Not only can it cause pressure, but it can make your eye bulge from the socket and prevent it from moving. A visit to the doctor is strongly recommended if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Glaucoma and eye pressure

Pedro Cervantes, MD discusses eye pressure causes including glaucoma

While a lot of patients think that pressure in or behind the eye is related to glaucoma, it’s important to note that you cannot feel pressure in the eye from glaucoma unless it elevates quickly and gets very high, CEENTA Ophthalmologist Pedro Cervantes, MD, said. That is called acute angle closure glaucoma and is also associated with pain, redness, blurry vision and a fixed, mid-dilated pupil. That would require a prompt visit to an ophthalmologist for an eye pressure test and possible treatment.

Eye pressure can have many causes, and if you are concerned, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. They can help treat the pressure in your eye and help relieve the mental pressure of not knowing what’s wrong.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. Dr. Cervantes sees patients in our SouthPark and Steele Creek offices. Do you need an appointment with an eye doctor near you? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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