I had a deviated septum that was completely blocking my left nostril. I had it straightened out and I feel so wonderful now. It’s so nice to breathe, and I can be more active now. I’ve already lost five pounds because I can stay on the treadmill without huffing and puffing and without the embarrassment of the person on the other treadmill thinking I’m going to die because I could only breathe through my mouth. I can play with my grandchildren more, too, and now I can almost keep up with them.

I went to Dr. Puri because he put the tubes in my granddaughter’s ears. He was so sweet with her, so when I discussed my breathing issues with my primary doctor I asked if Dr. Puri was an adult doctor, too. He was just as good with me as he was with my granddaughter. I would absolutely recommend him to others, and I already have.



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