I’ve never had vision in my right eye, and one Sunday recently I experienced something I had never experienced in my left eye. I was seeing some flashes of light and some black spots, so the next day I called CEENTA. The lady who took my call was nice from the get-go. She told me I needed to see a doctor. She got me in to see Dr. Spicola, and I was told if he thought I needed to see a retina specialist he’d recommend one.

During my appointment I could tell something was wrong. Dr. Spicola soon told me I needed someone to pick me up and drive me to another office because I needed emergency laser surgery that day with Dr. Punjabi.

The way both doctors treated me was unreal. I’ve been going to eye doctors since I was 6 and I’ve never met two more compassionate men. When Dr. Spicola said I needed emergency surgery I was scared out of my mind but he kept me calm the whole time and assured me Dr. Punjabi would be great. After the surgery I was in a bit of pain, and Dr. Punjabi got wet paper towels to wipe down my forehead and make me feel better. I’ve never experienced such kindness. And when I came back for my follow-up Dr. Punjabi was the same compassionate, caring person. My fiancé said he’s never seen a doctor treat anyone that nice, either.

From the second I walked into the room they were the most caring individuals. Everyone is like that, especially everyone in Huntersville. I’m experienced with a lot of medical facilities and I’ve never seen one with so much compassion. They are just the best mannered people and were as calm as could be.



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