A woman removes her glasses.

Everyone’s eyesight will slowly get worse as they age. Some people will need reading glasses. Others may develop cataracts. But there are many things we can do to protect our eyes and keep them healthy as long as possible.

Get regular eye exams

An annual eye exam is a great way to keep on top of your visual health. Not only will you get up-to-date prescriptions, but your doctor can check you for more serious conditions like glaucoma. This way you can treat conditions that might have more serious effects on your eyes before they start to impede your vision.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses, specifically those designed to block UV light, can protect your eyes. Not only is UV light a factor in cataract development, but it can also cause macular degeneration or even ocular cancer.

Monitor and control diabetes

Kelly Doty, OD

Diabetes is more than just a blood sugar disease. It can lead to permanent eye damage and can exacerbate conditions like cataracts if it is not closely monitored and maintained. Fortunately, treating your diabetes and going for eye exams at least once a year can prevent your eyes from being damaged and causing your vision to worsen, CEENTA Optometrist Kelly Doty, OD.

Manage your general health

Blood pressure, heart disease, and cholesterol can all affect your eyes. Treating these and other health concerns can help maintain your eye health and lower your risk of developing visual complications.

Maintain a healthy diet

A good diet, particularly one high in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids can protect the cornea and delay the onset or progression of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Practice good hygiene

If you wear contact lenses and regularly handle them with dirty hands, or you keep eye makeup on for extended periods of time, you could be at an increased risk for eye infections. Maintaining good cleanliness practices will protect your eyes from contamination.

While there are many things you can do at home to keep your eyes healthy and prevent yourself from needing glasses, there are still things only an eye doctor can help you with. With more than 40 eye doctors in 12 locations across North Carolina, CEENTA is more than happy to do what it can for you.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. Dr. Doty practices in our Blakeney and Steele Creek offices. Would you like an appointment with her or any of CEENTA’s eye doctors? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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