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Originally written May 16, 2022
You’ll always remember your first pair of glasses. That feeling of being able to see the world in a new, clearer light is a memory that sticks with you, no matter if you’re a child or an adult. With that said, your first time wearing glasses will come with a few learning curves that you may not expect.
You might be stunned by your new vision after putting on your glasses, but you may also experience headaches the first day. Your eyes will need to adjust to the lenses, which can often cause eye strains and accompanying headaches.
The adaptation to the new glasses may take a few days and occasionally up to a week or more. You may notice things appear clearer, but it can change depth perception and objects may appear slightly smaller or larger than usual depending on your prescription.
Your glasses will be a new addition to your daily routine. This means that you may find your glasses covered in dust, dirt, and smudges. Be sure to clean your glasses at least once a day with an appropriate cleaner and a scratch-free cloth to ensure better longevity. If glasses cleaner is not available or you are out of stock, you can also use dishwashing liquid in a pinch. Just be sure to be thorough when cleaning the lenses and rinse all of the liquid off.
Getting a new pair of glasses, especially as a first-time wearer, will add a new item to your attire. This means that you might not realize that you’re keeping your glasses in areas that could expose them to dirt or damage them. Keep your glasses protected by storing them in a hard-shelled case and away from rooms of the house with a lot of movement.
This may not be something you notice during your initial glasses fitting, but you may encounter small indentions on the bridge of your nose after wearing your glasses for a while. These marks appear when the pads of your glasses frequently rub against your nose. These marks are not permanent and can disappear by rubbing your nose, but they do signal that your glasses may need a minor adjustment. You can bring your glasses to an optical shop where opticians can ensure that your glasses fit properly.
For some children and adults who enjoy playing sports, one concern might be wearing glasses that might fall or break during a game. Luckily, you can specifically ask for glasses that are customized for active competition that can both keep your vision sharp and protect your eyes. In fact, glasses today can be made with lighter material and thinner lenses to adjust for physical lifestyles and even feature transition lenses that darken when faced with natural lighting like the Sun.
Your journey to better vision does not begin and end with your glasses. To fully enjoy your eyesight, you’ll need to schedule annual appointments with an eye care specialist to make sure that your prescription is accurate and that your glasses are properly fitted. These tasks, along with eye care needs like infection treatment, glaucoma management, and cataract surgery, can be done at CEENTA. Schedule an appointment with a CEENTA ophthalmologist today to take the next step towards seeing clearly.
This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our eye doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.
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