man with glasses, get your eyewear in charlotte nc at CEENTA

You’ve had an eye exam with a CEENTA doctor, and you need new glasses. But how do you know if you’re getting the right pair? Are they too expensive? Are they the right style frames for you? Is it going to take all day to pick out a new pair of glasses? Fortunately, CEENTA’s optical shops are a convenient place to get glasses. Below are the reasons why.

Up-to-date eye care

If you get an eye examination at CEENTA, you can rest assured that not only will you get an up-to-date prescription, but your eyes will be checked for more serious eye diseases.

“Regular eye exams are recommended as many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, do not present with symptoms until they are more advanced,” CEENTA Ophthalmologist Ernest Bhend, MD, said. “A regular eye exam can often catch these diseases early and treatment can be started before any significant damage has to occurred.”

High experience levels

Once you have your prescription, you can come right to one of CEENTA’s optical shops for your glasses, where our opticians – who have over 300 years of combined experience – can assist you. They will help ensure you see as clearly as you should, especially if you have an eye condition that calls for a more complicated prescription. On top of that, they will also help you pick frames that look good on you and suit your lifestyle, whether you’re a student, a parent, an athlete, an artist, a businessperson, or anyone else.

Convenience and quality

With locations across North Carolina, a CEENTA optical shop is always convenient no matter where you live or work. This means you won’t have to take a lot of time out of your day or drive far to get a good set of glasses. Also, we only purchases eyewear from top-quality manufacturers who do not cut corners in the production of your new glasses. We also offer the latest in lenses, coatings, and frames – the best products the eyewear industry has to offer.

Our prices are extremely competitive, too, and if you think about how much you wear your glasses, you’re paying the equivalent of pennies per wear. If your insurance plan includes a flexible spending account or health savings account, you can purchase glasses with those dollars, too. You can also use CareCredit to purchase glasses if you need.

Not only do we offer the most top-of-the-line glasses technology, but we offer the latest fashions for frames, too. So no matter if your face is square, round, oval, diamond, or another shape, we’ll help you find modern frames that look good on you, too.

Lifetime services

Your relationship with us doesn’t have to end after you purchase your eyewear. We offer free adjustments, nose pads, minor repairs, and cleaning cloths for the life of your glasses. We want you to know you can always come to us to make sure your glasses are comfortable and sit on your face properly.

We provide warranties on our eyewear to patients at no extra charge. Our motto is, “If we get it for free, you get it for free,” CEENTA Eye Ancillary Services Manager Jay Russell said.

If you’re still not convinced our glasses are the best choice for you, why not visit us and see for yourself? As an added bonus, if you buy glasses between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, you can get 25 percent off prescription eyewear.* You’ll be thankful you do.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. To find the closest optical shop to you, visit our Optical & Contacts page. If you would like to make an appointment for an eye exam, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.

*Some restrictions apply. See optician for details. Not valid online. Only valid in office. Not valid with any other offer.


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March 03, 2021

Thank you Miss Princess for extraordinary care picking out frames !! Can’t wait to rock my new sunglasses!!
- Kathy McDaniel

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