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It’s a common lament of many parents: their child always seems to be sick and has a cough that just won’t go away. If you’re one of these parents, you might not know what’s causing it and when you should take your young one to the doctor. This blog would like to answer those questions.
They’re snoring. Their throats hurt. They’re cranky all day. There’s a chance your child has tonsillitis. There’s a chance this isn’t the first time.
School will be letting out in a few weeks, and for some kids that means they’ll be heading off to summer camp. But what does that mean if your child has allergies? Will being outside all day mean they’ll spend the day stuffed up and sneezing?
CEENTA Otolaryngologist Michael Sicard, MD, discusses tonsils and tonsillectomies on WCNC's Charlotte Today, May 24, 2017.
Sunglasses can look cute on your child, but they have important protective uses, too. Did you know a quality pair of sunglasses can provide simultaneous protection from exposure to UV rays and injuries?
There is nothing quite like the smile on a baby’s face as they hear their parents coo over them, or the excitement you get from hearing them learn to talk. Unfortunately, not all babies and young children can hear. What can hearing loss mean for a child, and what can parents do to make sure their children don’t grow up in a world of silence?