Little girl with tonsillitis

They’re snoring. Their throats hurt. They’re cranky all day. There’s a chance your child has tonsillitis. There’s a chance this isn’t the first time.

If your child gets tonsillitis regularly, you might consider having their tonsils removed. Summer may be a good time to do so, since your children won’t have to miss school or related activities.

What is tonsillitis?

Tonsils are small glands on either side of the throat that house white blood cells that help fight infection. When tonsils become infected, they can swell and cause sore throats. This is called tonsillitis.

What is a tonsillectomy?

Some children need their tonsils removed because they frequently get tonsillitis. Others need them removed because they have become enlarged, which can cause sleep apnea, eating problems, delayed growth, constant nasal obstruction and congestion, poor alignment of teeth and abnormal facial development, and a poor disposition and irritable behavior. This procedure is called a tonsillectomy.

CEENTA ENT physician Roy Lewis, MD

“This is a relatively easy procedure that can have a tremendous positive effect on health,” CEENTA ENT physician Roy Lewis, MD, said. “I typically see my chronic tonsillitis patients once after surgery, and then they don't need me anymore.”

Tonsils are sometimes removed along with the adenoid, a small gland at the top of the throat behind the nose. The surgery is done under general anesthesia. It typically takes 20-30 minutes, and post-surgical recovery lasts about an hour. Occasionally patients are admitted overnight, most typically because of how young they are.

After surgery your child should drink plenty of fluids to say hydrated, and since this is the summer, popsicles and ice cream are good seasonal options. Pain medicine may make them feel more inclined to consume fluids. It may take a little time for them to resume a normal diet, but that’s normal. They may have a few episodes of nausea, low-grade fever, bad breath, ear pain, mild snoring, or pain, but those are also normal. However, you should contact your child’s doctor if they have persistent nausea, breathing problems, severe pain, are vomiting blood, or anything else that alarms you.

CEENTA has 34 physicians providing tonsil and adenoid care. They will see your child in any office that provides ENT care and will perform their surgery in an outpatient center convenient to you. CEENTA has provided throat care since 1923, and you and your child can expect the same premier care in the next three months as they have the last 94 years.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your physician. If you think you child has tonsillitis and would like to schedule an appointment with one of CEENTA’s ENT doctors, call 704-295-3000.


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