Woman with one of the early warning symptoms of cataracts

Many cataract patients come to CEENTA to treat this condition not knowing they’ve been living with it for quite some time. Did you know there are many visual signs that could indicate you are developing cataracts?


  1. Cataract Symptom #1: Blurry vision
  2. Cataract Symptom #2: Requiring brighter lights
  3. Cataract Symptom #3: Glares or halos
  4. Cataract Symptom #4: Changes in color perception
  5. Treating your cataracts at CEENTA

Cataract Symptom #1: Blurry vision

One of the most obvious signs of having an eye disorder is a reduction in vision. Cataracts occur in the lens of the eye, which is used to focus light to the retina to create images. Like a dirty windshield, cataracts can disrupt that process and gradually degrade vision both at distance and/or near over time.

Cataract Symptom #2: Requiring brighter lights

Other patients developing cataracts experience a different effect. The cataract’s blocking or filtering of light may make it harder to see in normal settings, much less in darker spaces. This may cause you to struggle with reading or performing normal tasks at night as your cataracts progress. You might find yourself replacing a bulb with a brighter one to help you see.

Cataract Symptom #3: Glares or halos

Some cataracts cloud primarily the back part of the lens. Like a frosted windshield in the wintertime, this type of cataract can cause you to see halos or glares from prominent light sources like headlights or the sun making driving and distance viewing challenging especially in the rain.

Cataract Symptom #4: Changes in color perception

As the clear, natural lens becomes progressively more cloudy, it can take on a creamy brownish-yellow hue. One of the most cited early signs of cataract development is change in color perception. In particular, darker colors like purple or navy may look the same while items that are white may appear to have a yellowish-brown tint.

Dr. Kashyap Kansupada, a CEENTA cataract surgeon who practices out of our Belmont and Huntersville offices, provides a historical example. "Many famous artists like Monet found themselves overcompensating with blues in their paintings due to their cataract." Your general perception of colors at large may appear more faded, something that can be dramatically corrected with cataract surgery. "Not uncommonly, patients will describe how white their white walls or counter tops are after their cataract surgery," Dr. Kansupada explains.

Treating your cataracts at CEENTA

The good news is that cataract surgery can be performed at any stage of its development. Whether you’re just now noticing these symptoms or you’ve managed them until now, your path to clearer vision can start at CEENTA. With our board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeons, our eye care team can determine your candidacy for cataract surgery and recommend lens implant options that are customized for your vision needs.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Kansupada in Belmont or Huntersville today through our online scheduling platform or through myCEENTAchart.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. To make an appointment with a CEENTA eye care specialist, you may schedule an appointment online, through myCEENTAchart, or by calling 704-295-3000.


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