A woman rests with her head elevated as she recovers from facial plastic surgery.

You’ve thought about getting facial plastic surgery for a while, but you’re a little nervous about feeling discomfort afterward. Today we’re going to offer some guidance on how to manage any post-plastic surgery pain you might experience.

What you can do at home

First, every surgical procedure – even functional or cosmetic facial plastic surgery – is different for every patient, based on the procedure, the patient’s health, and other factors. You will need to discuss with your doctor your particular case before a pain-management treatment plan is developed.

In general, though, physicians recommends head elevation, cold compresses, proper rest and sleep, and the use of over-the-counter analgesics such as Aleve or ibuprofen.

Also, make sure to adjust your lifestyle so you don’t cause yourself any additional discomfort. For example, if you have an otoplasty, you’ll want to sleep on your back so that your ears heal properly and you don’t cause yourself any additional pain. Also, if you can, try to rearrange your home so things you’ll need after your surgery are convenient to you and you won’t need to strain yourself, possibly aggravating any discomfort you may be experiencing.

If you need medicine

Prescription painkillers are only necessary for cases of severe pain, and in nearly all cases are prescribed for just a few days. If you do get a prescription, make sure to take it as directed. Taking too few can result in them not working effectively, while taking too many can possibly lead to nausea or constipation.

Sometimes, doctors may prescribe a topical cream to aid in healing and minimize pain, too.

A positive attitude

One major factor in easing the pain of facial plastic surgery isn’t physical at all, but psychological.

It’s important you tell your doctor about any pain you’re feeling. Not only will that help them track your recovery, but it will alert them to any possible complications you may be experiencing.

The facial plastic surgeons at CEENTA want you to have as comfortable a surgical experience as possible. Schedule an appointment with one of our doctors today.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. To make an appointment with him or any of CEENTA’s facial plastic specialists, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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