A woman gets her eye exam

Even though it’s recommended you get an eye exam once a year, you may not have had time to schedule yours. Yet your eyesight seems fine, so do you really need one? Sometimes you might think your vision hasn’t changed so an eye exam is unnecessary. However, you may be experiencing other physical signs and symptoms that indicate otherwise. Today we’d like to talk about seven of them.

Are you squinting?

Squinting is the most common sign your vision has decreased in strength. You’ll likely notice yourself doing so when reading or watching TV.

Are you getting frequent headaches?

Headaches can be a sign of many medical conditions, one of which is worsening eyesight. Even if you don’t notice your vision has worsened, a headache could be a sign that you’re straining when you try to see, especially after extended periods of trying to read up close on your phone. Regardless, it’s important to visit a doctor whenever you have frequent headaches.

Do your eyes hurt?

Long-lasting eye pain can be a symptom of anything from dry eye or a corneal abrasion to a more serious underlying disorder. An appointment with your eye doctor can help determine if your eyes hurt because you are having difficulty seeing or have some other condition.

Are your eyes tired?

If your eyes are regularly fatigued and you are getting plenty of sleep, it could be a sign that your vision is decreasing, although there are many other causes for tired eyes, such as allergic reactions.

Do you have trouble adjusting from dark to light environments?

If it takes a long time for your eyes to adjust after exposure to bright light, this could be due to disorders within the eye. This is a common visual complaint in the older population.

Do you have trouble seeing at night?

If you have difficulty seeing in the evening, or if you see halos around street lights or headlights, you may have cataracts. An eye exam will determine if you do and what the next best steps might be.

Do you have double vision?

Double vision can be a sign of an eye problem like cataracts or dry eye, or it may be a sign of a neurologic problem causing weakness of eye muscles. It’s important you see an eye doctor if you are experiencing this symptom.

The time for care is now

Payal Patel, MD

“With the constant demands we face every day, it’s very easy to put things off, especially when they don’t seem that bad,” CEENTA Ophthalmologist Payal Patel, MD, said. “But simple and gradual adjustments you might be making to get by may actually be worse for you in the long run. I recommend keeping up with doctors’ appointments – including eye exams -to improve your vision, health, and overall quality of life.”

It’s not worth putting off eye exams, especially when your body is telling you it’s time for one. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at CEENTA.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Dr. Patel practices in our Monroe office. To make an appointment with her or any of CEENTA’s eye doctors, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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February 22, 2021

Thanks for the tips!
- Sarah Smith

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