Baby ear that can be fixed with an ear mold

Ear deformities in newborns and infants are not rare conditions. Usually caused by positioning in the womb or passed on genetically, surgery has typically been an option – though new parents may consider an alternative. Recently, physicians at CEENTA have begun to offer a nonsurgical method of treating pediatric ear deformities: the EarWell™.

What are common ear deformities in children?

Before diving into the EarWell™, it is important to look at ear deformities that are prevalent in young children.

Pediatric ear deformities come in many forms, including:

  • Pointy outer ear (Stahl’s ear)
  • Underdeveloped outer ear (Microtia)
  • Rolled outer ears
  • Protruding ears

What are the effects of ear deformities in children?

Some ear deformities can resolve or improve naturally, but others benefit from some means of correction. If left untreated, ear deformities become permanent and lead to cosmetic and functional issues. Children with these deformities may have a small element of hearing loss or may be susceptible to bullying.

What is the EarWell™ ear mold?

Classically, pediatric ear deformities can be remedied with surgery. Some parents of newborns may be hesitant to consider surgical correction, and first-time parents might be more thorough with their options. Luckily, there’s the EarWell™ to be used in infants less than 3 weeks of age

The EarWell™ is a nonsurgical ear mold device used to correct ear deformities in young infants. It is non-invasive and shapes the ear into a proper position by adhering to the skin. Made of a larger posterior shell, a rubber retractor for shaping, a conchal bowl former, and an outer lid, the EarWell™ can be a comfortable way of keeping your baby’s ears looking healthy. It is useful when the infant still has circulating maternal estrogen, which is before 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) of age, though the device works best when started at 3 weeks of age.

Does CEENTA offer ear mold devices?

For parents looking for a nonsurgical method to correct their infant’s ear malformations, CEENTA is one of the first practices in the area to offer the EarWell™ as a new treatment. Dr. Susan Yanik, who practices out of our Concord and Mooresville offices, is excited to inform parents about this life-changing device. She is a proponent of the EarWell™, stating, "While we as facial plastic surgeons love to recreate misshapen ears in the operating room, we understand that parents always want the least invasive option for their children. Thus, it is great to have an easy, non-invasive option like an ear mold to provide parents and their infants to hopefully avoid a future surgery.” 

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Yanik for a pediatric ear molding consultation, click here, search for Dr. Susan Yanik in the "Person" box, then type "EarWell consultation" in the "Reason for Visit" box.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our physicians in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.


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