Hearing loss can rid you or your loved ones of many opportunities that require you to connect with the world. One suitable option for correcting hearing loss, with the guidance of experienced audiologists and ENT physicians, is a cochlear implant.

  1. The CEENTA cochlear implant team
  2. What is a cochlear implant?
  3. How do cochlear implants work?
  4. What is the cochlear implantation process like?
  5. Who is a good candidate for cochlear implants?
  6. What is the 60/60 cochlear implant guideline?
  7. Cochlear implants in Charlotte, NC


CEENTA's team of cochlear implant specialists

The CEENTA cochlear implant team has extensive training and experience in the implantation and programming of the hearing device to provide this critical service for patients who are suffering from hearing loss. This team has seen the procedure develop into a viable option for the hearing-impaired through technological advances in both the external and internal device and are eager to discuss this procedure more with you.

Call 704-295-3000 to Schedule an Appointment with a Cochlear Implant Specialist


A cochlear implant is an electronic device that restores hearing. They are often considered for adults and children who have moderate to profound hearing loss from inner-ear damage and receive no help from hearing aids. They may be placed in one or both ears. The cochlear implant differs significantly from a hearing aid in that it bypasses the damaged end organ of hearing allowing for stimulation of the remaining nerve fibers. This allows for not only an increase in volume, but also improvement in clarity and speech understanding ability.

There are currently three cochlear implant companies in the United States: Cochlear Corporation, Advanced Bionics Corporation, and Med-El Corporation.

How do cochlear implants work?

Cochlear implants provide electrical stimulation to the cochlear nerve, which helps the patient hear. Unlike a hearing aid, part of the cochlear implant is placed inside the cochlea, which stimulates the cochlear nerve that leads to the auditory cortex in the brain. Both adults and children can benefit from these implants.

What is the cochlear implantation process like?

The cochlear implant consists of two parts, one internal and one external. The internal portion of the device is surgically implanted into the cochlea. Following a period of healing, the external portion of the device is activated. The patient will then return for regular appointments to adjust the implant for optimal hearing. Our ENT physicians and audiologists work together to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your implant.

The external portion of the device is becoming smaller and smaller and many of the devices are now available in a size that resembles a large behind-the-ear hearing aid. Risks and complications during the procedure are minimal.

Prior to surgery, it is recommended that all recipients receive vaccinations to protect against pneumococcal bacterial infections. Your doctor will discuss this with you during your consultation.

A child with a cochlear implant

The rewards and benefits of the cochlear implant are unsurpassed. In many cases the advances in cochlear implant technology have allowed patients who have lost their hearing to regain the ability to hear and understand speech and to use the telephone.

Who is a good candidate for cochlear implants?

Cochlear implants are now available for children 9 months of age and older who have not obtained adequate hearing through hearing aids. Hearing loss has a significant impact on a child’s life, particularly the development of their speech and language, which in turn significantly impacts their social and academic success.

Adults who have become deafened in one or both ears and have limited improvement in hearing with hearing aids are also good candidates. There is no upper age limit for this procedure.

Cochlear implant results vary from person to person. However, research has shown that benefits include a normal range of hearing, including in noisy environments; understanding of speech, sound clarity, and language; better educational outcomes; and better quality of life for both children and adult patients.

What is the 60/60 cochlear implant guideline?

For adults who may experience bilateral hearing loss (hearing loss in both ears), an audiologist may determine cochlear implant candidacy through a 60/60 guideline. This includes:

  • 60% Word Score
    An unaided monosyllabic word recognition score of 60% or poorer in either ear.
  • 60 dB PTA
    A mid-to-high frequency pure tone average of 60 decibels or poorer in hearing level.

Pediatric patients who may be referred for bilateral cochlear implantation may undergo a 60/65 guideline:

  • 60% Word Score
    Recorded, open set, aided monosyllabic word recognition score of 60% or poorer in either ear.
  • SII of 65
    Aided Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) of 65% or poorer in either ear.
  • 65 dB PTA
    Pure tone average at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz of 65 decibels or poorer in hearing level in either ear.

Cochlear implants in Charlotte, NC

CEENTA audiologists offer cochlear implant care in our SouthPark and Concord locations, using the most up-to-date technology and treatment.

Call 704-295-3000 to Schedule an Appointment with a Cochlear Implant Specialist

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