A woman wears a face mask with glasses.

With review and feedback from CEENTA Ophthalmologist Ernest Bhend, MD (Fort Mill)

Face masks help protect people around you from the coronavirus. Glasses help you see. But sometimes, wearing a mask makes your glasses fog up. How can you wear a mask while still wearing your glasses?

Make sure your mask fits your face

The reason your glasses keeping fogging up is warm air is escaping your mask. When you put yours on, pinch the top of it so it fits the shape of your nose. If you can, tighten the sides, too. Sometimes medical or athletic tape, or even a band-aid, can seal the space between your nose and mask.

Wipe your lenses

You’re already washing your hands with soap and water to protect yourself from the virus, so take a few seconds and do the same with your glasses. Washing your glasses with soap and water before putting on your mask can help prevent water droplets from building up on your lenses.

Positioning your glasses

Sometimes, moving your glasses can be a huge help. Pushing them forward on your nose allows more air to circulate, which keeps your breath from fogging your glasses. You can also try using your glasses to seal your mask around your nose, which will block air from escaping. Just remember to make sure your mask still properly fits your face afterwards.

Ernest Bhend, MD

Would you like to see exactly how masks and glasses should be worn? Watch this video where Dr. Ernest Bhend demonstrates the proper technique. Then, if you need helping seeing clearly with or without a mask, request an appointment with CEENTA today.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an appointment with Dr. Bhend? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart. In-office and virtual visit appointments are available.


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February 13, 2021

Thank you. Good information.
- Vivian p. Hamilton

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